If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, then this workshop is for you.
Your past shapes you. The Past Life Regression Therapy is a powerful tool used by psychiatrists and spiritual scientists alike to help you revisit your past (childhood or fetal stage) and unearth the root cause of issues that are currently interfering with your everyday life.
This workshop helps you understand spiritual science and soul journey which helps you open up your extra sensory perception and intuition.
PLR further helps us understand that every experience is a conscious choice we make and therefore, we can create a different reality by making a different choice in the ‘Now’. We visit our past not to live there but to learn from it and thereby live our present fully. When an understanding of these memories is brought into awareness, it releases the energy block being held in our psyche and we liberate ourselves from the clutches of it. PLR helps eliminate fears, phobias, addictions, repetitive patterns, self-sabotaging beliefs and health issues.