What is The Aha Movement?

An ‘Aha!’ moment is a moment of sudden insight, awakening, realization, or inspiration, which makes life’s journey meaningful. The Aha Movement is an attempt to bring these ‘Aha!’ moments frequently into our lives.

Our Research

What brings ‘Aha!’ in your life?
We surveyed hundreds of individuals from different walks of life- homemakers, entrepreneurs, CEOs of organisations, teachers, and working professionals, on what brings a sense of ‘Aha!’ in their lives. 95% of the responses fell into three broad categories:

  • Self-Connection

    When they feel deep peace, either during meditation or in a place of nature. When their understanding and wisdom grows, especially when sharing with others.

  • At-Work

    When they are able to innovate and be creative. When they feel aligned with their purpose and are able to inspire or serve others. When their contribution is valued and they are able to bring about abundance in their lives and the lives of those around them.

  • In Relationships

    When they have loving and harmonious relationships. When they are able to be authentic and compassionate with themselves and others, especially in challenging situations. When they are able to have a heart-to-heart conversation with others.

What we do?

The Aha Movement seeks to alter the paradigm of fear-based living to love-based living. It encourages the creation of a society where vulnerability is valued and authentic living is appreciated. We are committed to empowering and inspiring individuals so that they can experience these moments more consistently in their everyday lives. The Aha way of life helps entrepreneurs, organizations, schools, and individuals find a way to not just exist, but thrive by realizing their full potential through the journey of self-awareness.

Our varied set of offerings aids holistic growth and includes workshops, coaching, and training programs for individuals, families, teachers, and entrepreneurs We also specialize in working with schools, universities, and companies.

  • For individuals & families: Reconnect with your true selves and uncover your higher purpose to live a joyous life.
  • For entrepreneurs and organizations: Lead business with a fine balance of physical and spiritual principles. Support the holistic evolution of your business, people, and the planet.
  • For Schools and Teachers: Inspire teachers and administrators to reach their full potential, fostering peaceful and joyous students. By helping teachers manage their own stress, they can become more present and mindful in the classroom, creating a better learning environment for everyone.

Our Goals

Help people live their full potential, with respect and love for self and others

Build a healthier environment for young children through exploration of conscious parenting

Help people connect with nature – living in kinship with plants, animals and minerals

Help people practice earning livelihood in alignment with spiritual principles – defined by their personal calling

Encourage living with gratitude, awareness, empathy and self responsibility

Our Team

Ganesh Kohli
Co-founder, The Aha Movement; Founder, IC3 Movement; Chair, Board of Trustees, IC3 Institute; President & Chief Mentor, KIC UnivAssist
Dr. Preeti Kohli
 Co-Founder, The Aha Movement; Consulting Homeopathic Physician and Transformational Coach
Shivani Surve
Assistant Manager, Outreach & Communications, The Aha Movement