Novotel Imagicaa
Khopoli (Near Mumbai)
Contact here for more details: 9167255439, 9831459660
The workshop will be conducted in two parts.
Part I – Inner-Child Journey
Inner-Child Archetypes
The Abandoned Child ; The Neglected Child ; The Playful Child ; The Spoiled Child ; The Fearful Child; The Disconnected Child ; The Discounted Child; The Spiritual Child
The Energetics Of Voice Dialogue/Subpersonalities/Disowned Selves
Part II – Inner-Child Recovery And Healing
Dr. Newton Kondaveti, MBBS, MD, and Dr. Lakshmi Newton, MBBS are world-renowned new-age Masters, medical doctors, and founders of Quantum Life University (QLU). They are practitioners and teachers of Meditation and Spiritual Science; pioneers in Inner Child Work, Family Constellation & Transgenerational Work, Organizational Constellations, Past Life Regression, Future Progression, Breath Mastery, Rebirthing-Breathwork, and Life Between Lives Regression; internationally acclaimed experts on Reincarnation and the Law of Karma, Mind-Body-Spirit Integration, Energy Medicine, Holistic Wellness; Master Teachers of Self-Empowerment; Motivational Speakers… the list goes on!
Dr. Newton Kondaveti awakened to his life purpose at the young age of 22. During his two-and-a-half decades of work, he has been a much sought-after mentor by beginners as well as established practitioners and teachers of Alternative Modalities, Holistic Health, and Self-Empowerment. Although widely recognized as a teacher of teachers, he is always the eternal student at heart. Humility and Unconditional Love are his hallmarks. Epitomizing the phrase “Walk the Talk”, he is a tremendous source of inspiration to all because he constantly practices what he preaches.
Dr. Lakshmi Newton has been a passionate advocate of Vegetarianism since the tender age of 2. She has been a constant companion of Dr. Newton for over three decades, sharing her vision and being a copresenter in workshops and trainings. She is the one to go to for practical answers to questions regarding Spiritual Living. Her mission is to enhance awareness about the need for harmony with the Animal and Plant Kingdoms and to spread the message of Love, Compassion, and Kinship with Animals.
Together, they have traveled to over 120 countries and touched the lives of millions of people by teaching Meditation, promoting Vegetarianism, training facilitators in Comprehensive Holistic Therapeutic Processes, and conducting Self-Empowerment Workshops. Their vision is to establish a Global Centre for learning Spiritual Sciences along the lines of the Ancient Indian Universities of Takshashila and Nalanda, former worldrenowned Centres in the fields of Arts, Medicine, Economics, and Spiritual Science. This serves as the main Inspiration for the Vision and Mission of Quantum Life University.
This very intensive workshop on soul journey and self-discovery is a must for:
Note: Persons with the below-mentioned health issues are advised not to attend this course
-Psychiatric issues such as depression or suicidal tendencies, bipolar disorder, multiple-personality disorder, schizophrenia or any other related or similar issues.