Inner Child


14th & 15th June 2025
Early Bird INR 10,000 | Regular INR 13,000


A child is born pure and with unlimited potential. However, the child has specific physical and emotional needs that need fulfillment at every stage of his/her development. But, most parents are unaware of the deeper needs of their child and these unmet needs are expressed in the child’s personality throughout their lives, defining how the child interacts with his/her external reality.

The science behind inner child healing goes back to the early 20th century, when Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology, propounded the ‘child archetype’. It is proposed that the way we act comes from one of the three ego states – child-like, parent-like, or adult-like. Why would anyone’s inner child need to be healed? This is because things that happen when you are young can leave a persistant mark on your psyche.

  • Are you a people pleaser?
  • Do you lack self-confidence and self-worth?
  • Do you have difficult relationships with your parents?
  • Are you fearful of stepping out of your comfort zone?
  • Do you feel uncomfortable in a social circle?
  • Were you physically, verbally and sexually abused as a child?
  • Are you confused about your sexual identity?
  • Were you bullied in school?

The child-like side is the one that still holds onto all those beliefs and coping mechanisms one learned as a kid. These are few traits that indicate a part of you, which may have been ‘wounded’ in the childhood or adolescence stage.

Led by Dr. Preeti Kohli & Ganesh Kohli, this workshop takes you back to your childhood, step-by-step through certain processes and techniques that help you connect to your inner child. This process helps to heal your wounded subconscious and bring back the love, creativity, wonder and joy that you have lost touch with because of these wounds. At the end of the workshop, you will be able to witness yourself transformed into the adult that you were meant to be – loving, playful, energetic, full of compassion, ability to choose freely, and live life to its fullest potential.

  • Parents who want to give the best to their children
  • Anyone who is seeking inner transformation and spiritual growth
  • Anyone who shares a cold relationship with their parents, spouse and children
  • Young Adults
  • Working Professionals
  • Homemakers
  • Retired Individuals
  • Healers
  • Psychologists

  • Improve your self-confidence by knowing your worth & trusting your capabilities
  • Develop the ability to speak the truth
  • Understand & practice self-love
  • Free yourself from any fears
  • Let go of any limiting beliefs that were formed during your childhood
  • Learn to deal with and manage your emotions maturely
  • Handle all your relationships with ease
  • Heal the relationship with your parents or close ones
  • Shun your inner critic and be empathetic towards yourself & others
  • Learn to forgive and move on